DEF CON Franklin will infuse research from the hacker community into national security and foreign policy debates. We aim to lift up groundbreaking work happening across villages and deliver this critical research to key policymakers across the globe. Furthermore, Franklin will enhance DEF CON community impact to actively promote democracy, justice, and human rights. Aside from policy work, Franklin will establish a mechanism that empowers individual members of the DEF CON community to volunteer at under-resourced organizations supporting our critical infrastructure.
The Hackers’ Almanack. Franklin will lift up the work of participating villages across DEF CON and produce an overview of pressing cyber policy gaps that are identified. In conjunction with the villages, Franklin will then propose cutting-edge policy interventions that take hackers and other technologists’ expertise into account.
Franklin Cyber Volunteer Task Force. Franklin will mobilize the DEF CON community to solve real world problems. Just as the Voting Village helped connect technologists to election officials, volunteers will connect with and support communities that are at gravest risk and least protected from growing attacks, such as water utilities and K-12 school districts.